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[Japanware] Changing Color Mug Heart & Tree 手製温感變色馬克杯 心和樹

[Japanware] Changing Color Mug Heart & Tree 手製温感變色馬克杯 心和樹

Regular price $288.00
Regular price Sale price $288.00
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Size: approx. 9.4 cm dia. x 8.4 cm H

Country of manufacture: Japan

Material / component: porcelain

This cute mug has a large heart that changes color depending on the temperature. When you pour a hot drink into the mug, a small pink or red heart appears from the red heart mark, changing color above 45°C (45°F) and returning to the original red heart when the temperature reaches room temperature. This warm and inviting heart mug is perfect for relaxing. It also makes a thoughtful gift. The glossy, soft milky white color of the mug creates a gentle moment.

Product Handling *Do not use a dishwasher. *Wash with a mild kitchen detergent and a soft material such as a sponge. *Do not use hard materials such as metal scrubbers or abrasives to clean. *Do not scrub too hard or the transfer may peel off. *Do not use in microwave ovens or ovens. *Do not expose to sunlight for long periods of time, as the dyes in the patterns are sensitive to ultraviolet rays. *Do not soak the product in water or lukewarm water for a long time. 


尺寸:約。直徑 9.4 厘米 x 8.4 厘米高



這個可愛的杯子有一個大心形,會根據溫度改變顏色。當您將熱飲倒入杯子中時,紅心標記處會出現一個粉紅色或紅色的小心形,在 45°C (45°F) 以上會變色,當溫度達到室溫時又會恢復原來的紅心形。這款溫馨誘人的心形馬克杯非常適合放鬆身心。它也是一件貼心的禮物。杯子的光澤柔和的乳白色營造出溫柔的時刻。

產品處理 *使用前清洗。*請勿使用洗碗機。*用溫和的廚房清潔劑和海綿等柔軟材料清洗。*請勿使用金屬洗滌器或研磨劑等硬質材料進行清潔。*請勿用力擦洗,否則轉印可能會脫落。*請勿在微波爐或烤箱中使用。*不要長時間暴露在陽光下,因為圖案中的染料對紫外線敏感。*請勿將產品長時間浸泡在清水或溫水中。


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